GitHub - github/gh-ost: GitHub's Online Schema-migration Tool for MySQL
GitHub's Online Schema-migration Tool for MySQL. Contribute to github/gh-ost development by creating an account on GitHub.
다른 online-ddl 툴인 pt-online-change-schema 사용하는 방법입니다.
[MySQL - Online DDL] part 3 use. pt-online-change-schema
pt-online-change-schema 이란, Mysql에서 몇억건 이상의 대량의 데이터를 갖고 있는 테이블을 수정 하는것은 어렵습니다. 단순히 alter table을 해버리면 4시간, 5시간 이상 수행되기 떄문에 이를 해결 하기
pt-osv VS gh-ost 차이점
작업 중 DML 반영 방식
master에서 binlog 가져오면 상관없음, slave에서 가져오면 필수
임의 중단 기능
throttle, panic 옵션으로 지원
작업 도중 설정 변경
작업 수행 서버
Master / Slave (–migrate-on-replica)
■ Sample Data Insert
mysql> create table test_tbl ( a int primary key auto_increment, b varchar(100), c varchar(100));
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.02 sec)
mysql> insert into test_tbl select null, uuid(),uuid() from information_schema.columns as a, information_schema.columns as b limit 1000000;
Query OK, 1000000 rows affected (16.44 sec)
Records: 1000000 Duplicates: 0 Warnings: 0
mysql> desc test_tbl;
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| a | int | NO | PRI | NULL | auto_increment |
| b | varchar(100) | YES | | NULL | |
| c | varchar(100) | YES | | NULL | |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
■ ghost 실행 유저 생성
mysql> create user ghost@'%' identified by 'ghost';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)
mysql> grant all on *.* to ghost@'%';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)
■ gh-ost Install
[root@master ~]# wget
--2023-02-03 08:03:23--
Resolving (
Connecting to (||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Found
Location: [following]
--2023-02-03 08:03:23--
Resolving (,,, ...
Connecting to (||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 4957238 (4.7M) [application/octet-stream]
Saving to: ‘gh-ost-1.0.49-1.x86_64.rpm’
100%[===================================================================================================================================================>] 4,957,238 12.3MB/s in 0.4s
2023-02-03 08:03:24 (12.3 MB/s) - ‘gh-ost-1.0.49-1.x86_64.rpm’ saved [4957238/4957238]
[root@master ~]# rpm -ivh gh-ost-1.0.49-1.x86_64.rpm
Preparing... ################################# [100%]
Updating / installing...
1:gh-ost-1:1.0.49-1 ################################# [100%]
■ binlog format 확인 => ROW
mysql> show variables like 'binlog_format';;
| Variable_name | Value |
| binlog_format | ROW |
1 row in set (0.01 sec)
■ ghost 실행 (add column)
gh-ost \
--max-load=Threads_running=100 \
--critical-load=Threads_running=200 \
--chunk-size=1000 \
--throttle-control-replicas="" \
--max-lag-millis=500 \
--user="ghost" \
--password='ghost' \
--host="" \
--port=3306 \
--database="kim" \
--table="test_tbl" \
--verbose \
--alter="add column ghost5 int not null default 0" \
--switch-to-rbr \
--allow-on-master \
--cut-over=default \
--default-retries=120 \
--panic-flag-file=/tmp/ghost.panic.flag \
--postpone-cut-over-flag-file=/tmp/ghost.postpone.flag \
--throttle-flag-file=/tmp/throttle.flag \
host : binary log 를 가져올 서버 설정
throttle-control-replicas : –max-lag-millis 를 체크할 리플리카 서버 지정하는 옵션
switch-to-rbr : gh-ost 는 binlog_format=ROW 일 때만 동작하기 때문에 작업 대상 서버의 binlog_format을 ROW로 변경하는 옵션. 주로 Slave의 binlog_format 변경과 log_slave_updates 옵션 설정 후 재기동 수행 (원복 X)
allow-master-master : MMM 사용할 때 처럼 master-master (active-passive) 구성일 때 설정
allow-on-master : master에서 작업할 때 설정하는 옵션
migrate-on-replica : slave 에서 작업할 때 설정하는 옵션 ( 양방향 복제가 아닌 이상 slave에만 작업 적용되므로 참고! )
assume-master-host : allow-master-master 설정 시 작업할 master 서버 지정하는 옵션
cut-over : org-table과 gh-ost table 간 swapping하는 migration의 마지막 단계로 atomic 하기 때문에 swapping 도중 실패하는 쿼리는 없음
panic-flag-file : flag-file 생성 시 작업 취소
postpone-cut-over-flag-file : flag-file 존재하면 cut-over 단계를 수행하지 않고 대기함 이 옵션 설정 시 작업 시작 할때 이 파일을 생성하기 때문에 마지막 rename 단계 전에 수동으로 삭제해줘야함, 대기하더라도 DML은 계속 copy 진행됨
throttle-flag-file : throttle-flag-file 존재하면 작업 일시정지
■ 분석
## master / slave 파악 및 binary log 가져올 서버(여기선 slave) 와 binlog position 확인
2023-02-03 13:33:17 INFO starting gh-ost 1.0.49
2023-02-03 13:33:17 INFO Migrating `kim`.`test_tbl`
2023-02-03 13:33:17 INFO connection validated on
2023-02-03 13:33:17 INFO User has SUPER, REPLICATION SLAVE privileges, and has ALL privileges on `kim`.*
2023-02-03 13:33:17 INFO binary logs validated on
2023-02-03 13:33:17 INFO Restarting replication on to make sure binlog settings apply to replication thread
2023-02-03 13:33:17 INFO Inspector initiated on master:3306, version 8.0.28
2023-02-03 13:33:17 INFO Table found. Engine=InnoDB
2023-02-03 13:33:17 INFO Estimated number of rows via EXPLAIN: 993705
2023-02-03 13:33:17 INFO Master forced to be
2023-02-03 13:33:17 INFO log_slave_updates validated on
2023-02-03 13:33:17 INFO connection validated on
2023-02-03 13:33:17 INFO Connecting binlog streamer at mysql.000036:175418044
[2023/02/03 13:33:17] [info] binlogsyncer.go:133 create BinlogSyncer with config {99999 mysql 3306 ghost false false <nil> false UTC true 0 0s 0s 0 false}
[2023/02/03 13:33:17] [info] binlogsyncer.go:354 begin to sync binlog from position (mysql.000036, 175418044)
[2023/02/03 13:33:17] [info] binlogsyncer.go:203 register slave for master server
[2023/02/03 13:33:17] [info] binlogsyncer.go:723 rotate to (mysql.000036, 175418044)
2023-02-03 13:33:17 INFO rotate to next log from mysql.000036:0 to mysql.000036
2023-02-03 13:33:17 INFO connection validated on
2023-02-03 13:33:17 INFO connection validated on
2023-02-03 13:33:17 INFO will use time_zone='SYSTEM' on applier
2023-02-03 13:33:17 INFO Examining table structure on applier
2023-02-03 13:33:17 INFO Applier initiated on master:3306, version 8.0.28
## migration 과정을 기록할 _tb_test_ghc 테이블 , 데이터 copy 및 rename 할 _tb_test_gho 임시테이블 생성
2023-02-03 13:33:17 INFO Dropping table `kim`.`_test_tbl_ghc`
2023-02-03 13:33:17 INFO Table dropped
2023-02-03 13:33:17 INFO Creating changelog table `kim`.`_test_tbl_ghc`
2023-02-03 13:33:17 INFO Changelog table created
2023-02-03 13:33:17 INFO Creating ghost table `kim`.`_test_tbl_gho`
2023-02-03 13:33:17 INFO Ghost table created
2023-02-03 13:33:17 INFO Altering ghost table `kim`.`_test_tbl_gho`
2023-02-03 13:33:17 INFO Ghost table altered
## 임시 테이블 생김
mysql> show tables;
| Tables_in_kim |
| _test_tbl_ghc |
| _test_tbl_gho |
| kim |
| test_tbl |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)
## 설정 재확인 및 postpone 파일 생성 (마지막 rename 단계에서 수동으로 지워줘야합니다.)
2023-02-03 13:33:17 INFO Intercepted changelog state GhostTableMigrated
2023-02-03 13:33:17 INFO Waiting for ghost table to be migrated. Current lag is 0s
2023-02-03 13:33:17 INFO Handled changelog state GhostTableMigrated
2023-02-03 13:33:17 INFO Chosen shared unique key is PRIMARY
2023-02-03 13:33:17 INFO Shared columns are a,b,c
2023-02-03 13:33:17 INFO Listening on unix socket file: /tmp/
2023-02-03 13:33:17 INFO Migration min values: [1]
2023-02-03 13:33:17 INFO Migration max values: [1000000]
2023-02-03 13:33:17 INFO Waiting for first throttle metrics to be collected
2023-02-03 13:33:17 INFO First throttle metrics collected
# Migrating `kim`.`test_tbl`; Ghost table is `kim`.`_test_tbl_gho`
# Migrating master:3306; inspecting master:3306; executing on master
# Migration started at Fri Feb 03 13:33:17 +0900 2023
# chunk-size: 1000; max-lag-millis: 500ms; dml-batch-size: 10; max-load: Threads_running=100; critical-load: Threads_running=200; nice-ratio: 0.000000
# throttle-flag-file: /tmp/throttle.flag
# throttle-additional-flag-file: /tmp/gh-ost.throttle
# throttle-control-replicas count: 1
# postpone-cut-over-flag-file: /tmp/ghost.postpone.flag [set]
# panic-flag-file: /tmp/ghost.panic.flag
# Serving on unix socket: /tmp/
## org_table에서 tmp table로 data copy
Copy: 0/993705 0.0%; Applied: 0; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 0s(total), 0s(copy); streamer: mysql.000036:195467254; Lag: 0.01s, State: migrating; ETA: N/A
Copy: 0/993705 0.0%; Applied: 0; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 1s(total), 1s(copy); streamer: mysql.000036:195471905; Lag: 0.01s, State: migrating; ETA: N/A
Copy: 62000/993705 6.2%; Applied: 0; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 2s(total), 2s(copy); streamer: mysql.000036:200786238; Lag: 0.01s, State: migrating; ETA: 30s
Copy: 130000/993705 13.1%; Applied: 0; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 3s(total), 3s(copy); streamer: mysql.000036:206614414; Lag: 0.01s, State: migrating; ETA: 19s
Copy: 196000/993705 19.7%; Applied: 0; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 4s(total), 4s(copy); streamer: mysql.000036:212271313; Lag: 0.01s, State: migrating; ETA: 16s
Copy: 261000/993705 26.3%; Applied: 0; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 5s(total), 5s(copy); streamer: mysql.000036:217843014; Lag: 0.01s, State: migrating; ETA: 14s
Copy: 334000/993705 33.6%; Applied: 0; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 6s(total), 6s(copy); streamer: mysql.000036:224099391; Lag: 0.01s, State: migrating; ETA: 11s
Copy: 406000/993705 40.9%; Applied: 0; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 7s(total), 7s(copy); streamer: mysql.000036:230270128; Lag: 0.10s, State: migrating; ETA: 10s
Copy: 477000/993705 48.0%; Applied: 0; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 8s(total), 8s(copy); streamer: mysql.000036:236355229; Lag: 0.01s, State: migrating; ETA: 8s
Copy: 545000/993705 54.8%; Applied: 0; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 9s(total), 9s(copy); streamer: mysql.000036:242183405; Lag: 0.01s, State: migrating; ETA: 7s
Copy: 613000/993705 61.7%; Applied: 0; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 10s(total), 10s(copy); streamer: mysql.000036:247992165; Lag: 0.01s, State: migrating; ETA: 6s
Copy: 685000/993705 68.9%; Applied: 0; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 11s(total), 11s(copy); streamer: mysql.000036:254182759; Lag: 0.02s, State: migrating; ETA: 4s
Copy: 759000/993705 76.4%; Applied: 0; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 12s(total), 12s(copy); streamer: mysql.000036:260524364; Lag: 0.11s, State: migrating; ETA: 3s
Copy: 834000/993705 83.9%; Applied: 0; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 13s(total), 13s(copy); streamer: mysql.000036:266952443; Lag: 0.01s, State: migrating; ETA: 2s
Copy: 905000/993705 91.1%; Applied: 0; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 14s(total), 14s(copy); streamer: mysql.000036:273037539; Lag: 0.01s, State: migrating; ETA: 1s
Copy: 975000/993705 98.1%; Applied: 0; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 15s(total), 15s(copy); streamer: mysql.000036:279037441; Lag: 0.01s, State: migrating; ETA: 0s
2023-02-03 14:55:44 INFO Row copy complete
■ Copy 완료 후 정상 확인
mysql> show tables;
| Tables_in_kim |
| _test_tbl_ghc |
| _test_tbl_gho |
| kim |
| test_tbl |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)
## copy후 해당 컬럼 추가되었는지 확인
mysql> desc _test_tbl_gho;
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| a | int | NO | PRI | NULL | auto_increment |
| b | varchar(100) | YES | | NULL | |
| c | varchar(100) | YES | | NULL | |
| ghost5 | int | NO | | 0 | |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> select count(*) from test_tbl;
| count(*) |
| 1000142 |
1 row in set (0.20 sec)
mysql> select count(*) from _test_tbl_gho;
| count(*) |
| 1000142 |
1 row in set (0.14 sec)
■ 수동 Rename 필요
## rename 하는 당시에 AS-IS에 들어온 데이터를 손수 발라서 TO-BE에 넣어줄 수 없기때문에 원본테이블과 임시 테이블 모두 Write lock 잡고는 것이 좋아보입니다.
master> lock tables test_tbl write, _test_tbl_gho write;
mysql> rename /* gh-ost */ table `kim`.`test_tbl` to `kim`.`test_tbl_old`, `kim`.`_test_tbl_gho` to `kim`.`test_tbl`;
작업중 일시 정지
■ /tmp에 throttle.flag 파일을 생성
[root@master ~]# touch /tmp/throttle.flag
■ 작업 일시 정지
Copy: 1000000/1000000 100.0%; Applied: 0; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 3m0s(total), 15s(copy); streamer: mysql.000036:174604910; Lag: 0.01s, State: postponing cut-over; ETA: due
Copy: 1000000/1000000 100.0%; Applied: 0; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 3m30s(total), 15s(copy); streamer: mysql.000036:174733742; Lag: 0.01s, State: postponing cut-over; ETA: due
Copy: 1000000/1000000 100.0%; Applied: 0; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 4m0s(total), 15s(copy); streamer: mysql.000036:174861916; Lag: 0.01s, State: postponing cut-over; ETA: due
■ throttle.flag 파일 삭제
[root@master tmp]# rm -rf throttle.flag
■ 작업 재개
Copy: 1000000/1000000 100.0%; Applied: 0; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 3m0s(total), 15s(copy); streamer: mysql.000036:174604910; Lag: 0.01s, State: postponing cut-over; ETA: due
Copy: 1000000/1000000 100.0%; Applied: 0; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 3m30s(total), 15s(copy); streamer: mysql.000036:174733742; Lag: 0.01s, State: postponing cut-over; ETA: due
Copy: 1000000/1000000 100.0%; Applied: 0; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 4m0s(total), 15s(copy); streamer: mysql.000036:174861916; Lag: 0.01s, State: postponing cut-over; ETA: due
Copy: 1000000/1000000 100.0%; Applied: 0; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 4m30s(total), 15s(copy); streamer: mysql.000036:174990818; Lag: 0.01s, State: postponing cut-over; ETA: due
panic으로 인한 작업 중단
■ panic 파일 생성
[root@master ~]# touch /tmp/ghost.panic.flag
■ 작업 정지됨
Copy: 1000000/1000000 100.0%; Applied: 0; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 5m0s(total), 15s(copy); streamer: mysql.000036:175118958; Lag: 0.01s, State: postponing cut-over; ETA: due
Copy: 1000000/1000000 100.0%; Applied: 0; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 5m30s(total), 15s(copy); streamer: mysql.000036:175247130; Lag: 0.01s, State: postponing cut-over; ETA: due
2023-02-03 13:20:53 FATAL Found panic-file /tmp/ghost.panic.flag. Aborting without cleanup
■ 작업 테이블이 남아 있으므로 수동 삭제 필요
mysql> show tables;
| Tables_in_kim |
| _test_tbl_ghc |
| _test_tbl_gho |
| kim |
| test_tbl |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> drop table _test_tbl_ghc;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)
mysql> drop table _test_tbl_gho;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.05 sec)
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