[ PMM - Home dashboard 설정 ] part 2

이전 글에서 만든 템플릿 JSON파일을 export하여 대시보드로 설정하는 방법을 포스팅 하겠습니다.



## 도커 컨테이너로 PMM을 설치해서 컨테이너에서 작업 필요


▶컨테이너 접속

[root@gm-git01 ~]# docker ps -a
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                  COMMAND                CREATED        STATUS            
642b17464e13   percona/pmm-server:2   "/opt/entrypoint.sh"   2 months ago   Up 2 months (healt
b3ba834e9832   percona/pmm-server:2   "/bin/true"            2 months ago   Created   

[root@gm-git01 ~]# docker exec -it 642b17464e13 /bin/bash



PMM 대시보드 홈디렉토리에서 home.json 수정

[root@642b17464e13 Insight]# pwd

[root@642b17464e13 Insight]# ll
total 888
-rw-r--r-- 1 root  root   24672 Dec 30 19:13 Advanced_Data_Exploration.json
-rw-r--r-- 1 root  root  110673 Dec 30 19:13 Home_Dashboard.json
-rw-r--r-- 1 root  root   99889 Dec 30 19:13 Prometheus_Exporters_Overview.json
-rw-r--r-- 1 root  root  200565 Dec 30 19:13 Prometheus_Exporter_Status.json
-rw-r--r-- 1 root  root  175013 Dec 30 19:13 VictoriaMetrics_Agents_Overview.json
-rw-r--r-- 1 root  root  172961 Dec 30 19:13 VictoriaMetrics.json



  json 파일 옮기기 

docker cp [hostFilePath] [container_name]:[containerPath]

[root@localhost ncloud]# docker cp kjh_home.json pmm-server:/kjh_home.json

[root@642b17464e13 Insight]# mv /kjh_home.json  /usr/share/percona-dashboards/panels/pmm-app/dist/dashboards/Insight/Home_Dashboard.json



좌측 톱니바퀴 -> configure -> preference



  home dashboard 를 바꿔줍니다.



  home dashboard 확인






Change home dashboard

Change the default home dashboard The home dashboard you set is the one all users will see by default when they log in. You can set the home dashboard for the server, an organization, a team, or your personal user account. This topic provides instructions
